Call to action
The Nordic Alliance for Sustainability in Gaming invites students at partner universities to take part in NordEcoJam 2022: a combined 5-day seminar and game jam dedicated to issues of environmental and cultural sustainability.
- Come join a vibrant community of game designers and researchers in exploring ways to tackle climate change, inclusivity in gaming, and more!
- Meet students from around the Nordic region and grow your professional network!
- Earn ECTS credits and make games that you can add to your portfolio!
The event will take place at Tallinn University in Tallinn, Estonia on June 13–17, 2022.
About the event
The event will consist of lectures and workshops that explore the multifaceted connections between gaming and sustainability issues. Topics we will touch on include:
- the environmental footprint of the game industry and gaming culture
- cultural sustainability issues in gaming (representation, inclusivity, job security, etc.)
- how sustainability issues have been represented in games
- using digital and tabletop games as a catalyst for social change
The main focus is on participants forming international teams and working on digital game prototypes that speak to the theme of sustainability and reflect on the issues above. During the design and development process, teams will receive support from mentors.
On Friday afternoon, teams will present and discuss their prototypes in a reflective session. Games produced by the participants will be made available via the NASG website and on Itch.io.
Practical information
NordEcoJam is open to undergraduate and Master’s students at NASG partner universities. Participants will receive 4 ECTS after completing the event, which they can transfer to their home university. Note that each partner university may stipulate additional requirements, such as extra assignments, for their students to be awarded the 4 ECTS.
Participation is free of charge. Five selected participants from each partner university will receive transportation to Tallinn and financial support for accommodation. A selection of snacks and drinks will be available at the venue, but lunch is at participants’ own expense.
If you would like to join or have a query, please respond to the specific call for participants disseminated at your home university.
The event is organized with the support of the Nordic Council of Ministers via Nordplus Higher Education funding.